It has been a very tough year for this service. We have struggled for profits for a couple of years now and recently been stripped of our Hall of Fame Service in the Secret Betting Club.
At times like this, you need to reflect on the service and to quote Einstein...his definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" certainly runs true.
As such, I have taken a good look back at our results, and it is obvious Brazil is where our profits come from and this is why 95% of our recent tips have all been from Brazil. Since day one, If we had only placed bets in Brazil over the past 4 years we would have been in a stronger position than we are today. We would also of had a much smoother ride with no amazing highs or crazy lows. The results over the past 4 years would have provided the following profits, combining Brazil A and B. It is almost the perfect investment!
An ROC of 247%, An ROI of 16% and 8pts being the biggest drawn down.
Year 2011 = 16.44 pts Profit
Year 2012 = 20.13 Pts Profit
Year 2013 = 5.06 Pts Profit
Year 2014 = 7.74 Pts Profit
Four years of tipping is also tough on any given tipster, and I have baby 2 arriving any day now and a part-time job which is becoming more and more work intensive. To cut things short, I believe it is time to solely concentrate on Brazil as a service, which will also allow me time to re-charge my batteries and have a break over their closed season.
The current season ends at the end of November and I will then send an email when the season kicks off again in the Spring next year to see if you are interested in continuing the journey with Summer of Football.
I would like to thank everyone for being a member and sticking with me and I hope you agree this is the best strategy for making this a profitable service again? I would love to hear your feedback on this.
I am already really excited about the new season but please be assured I still have every intention of closing this season very strongly!
At times like this, you need to reflect on the service and to quote Einstein...his definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" certainly runs true.
As such, I have taken a good look back at our results, and it is obvious Brazil is where our profits come from and this is why 95% of our recent tips have all been from Brazil. Since day one, If we had only placed bets in Brazil over the past 4 years we would have been in a stronger position than we are today. We would also of had a much smoother ride with no amazing highs or crazy lows. The results over the past 4 years would have provided the following profits, combining Brazil A and B. It is almost the perfect investment!
An ROC of 247%, An ROI of 16% and 8pts being the biggest drawn down.
Year 2011 = 16.44 pts Profit
Year 2012 = 20.13 Pts Profit
Year 2013 = 5.06 Pts Profit
Year 2014 = 7.74 Pts Profit
Four years of tipping is also tough on any given tipster, and I have baby 2 arriving any day now and a part-time job which is becoming more and more work intensive. To cut things short, I believe it is time to solely concentrate on Brazil as a service, which will also allow me time to re-charge my batteries and have a break over their closed season.
The current season ends at the end of November and I will then send an email when the season kicks off again in the Spring next year to see if you are interested in continuing the journey with Summer of Football.
I would like to thank everyone for being a member and sticking with me and I hope you agree this is the best strategy for making this a profitable service again? I would love to hear your feedback on this.
I am already really excited about the new season but please be assured I still have every intention of closing this season very strongly!